Wednesday, June 29, 2011

taking the virgin to los angeles

goodbye new york. i will be back in september a full blown sports psychologist: licensed and ready to enter phase 3 of my life. ( i await the results of my licensing exams but i am confident about them turning out in my favor)
i am sitting in kennedy airport about to take virgin airlines to los angeles for one last fling as a kid.
this will be a summer of surfing, drinking beer, playing with friends in both LA and santa barbara.
it will also be a summer with my uncle michael. we are planning to go to sonoma, just the two of us, next weekend for a few days of drinking wine, eating great food and dedicating our time to being best friends again. my uncle is the closest person to me in the world. he has always been there for me. and now i will be able to spend some personal time with him. i look so forward to this.
so: goodbye new york, if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere. i WILL be back.
what better song to end this piece than this? corny, i know but appropriate.

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